Top 20 Twitter users 2014

By the end of 2014 the most followed person on Twitter was (and still is) Katy Perry with 63.4 million followers. Second place took Justin Bieber with 59.3 million followers; also, Bieber received 114.5 million retweets, which raised him to the top-1 most retweeted accounts. The third was Barrack Obama with 53.2 million followers. By the way, he has the …

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Telecommuting Statistics 2014

This infographic on illustrates the data obtained by our survey that was conducted in November 2014. The telecommuting statistics highlight opinions on how telecommuters feel about their current work environment as compared to when they had to work in a traditional office environment.

Top 5 Promotional Products Trends for 2014

When it comes to bringing your brand closer to the public, the internet has been the most dominant factor for quite some time. It seems like nailing that hashtag or retweeting a popular tweet is all it takes to make or break your company’s image, and frankly, it’s true. However, digital marketing isn’t everything and it would be unwise to …

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