A Complete Guide to Filing a Car Insurance Claim in the Philippines

Despite observing safety measures and precautions, it is still a possibility that accidents can happen unexpectedly. In accidents on the road, it would be helpful to have a car insurance that can provide financial assistance from possible road mishaps. However, it may not be easy to do so, but there is still a need to know what needs to be …

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How People Ruin Their Car Insurance

Remaining uninsured when a car owner can get insured is a mistake since they continue to lack financial security should an accident happen. Not everyone who has a comprehensive car insurance policy is a role model, however, since several of them can still commit mistakes with their insurance policies. One common mistake insured individuals make is not paying their insurance …

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Benefits of Comprehensive Car Insurance

As a car owner, you are most likely thinking of the purchasing insurance for your vehicle on top of whatever insurance that the law requires. One of your options is called a “comprehensive car insurance”. Truth be told, many drivers are intimidated by how it sounds – especially if they are first-time car owners or non-car enthusiasts – but experts …

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