Substance Abuse Disorder in LGBTQ+ Community

Drug addiction is a chronic disease that manifests itself in an irresistible desire to use drugs, despite the negative socio-medical consequences. According to current research, addiction is a disease of the central nervous system: the biochemistry in the active centers (receptors) of the brain changes so that the need for drugs becomes biologically determined and very strong. It is very …

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Vaping and Smoking in LGBTQ Community: Can we Understand it all?

The LGBTQ community is a unique topic to talk about, some have come to associate the lifestyle with what they read about or see on television. Stereotypes are a big factor on how the masses perceive the community. Just look at how we portrayed them in movies or articles about an LGBTQ parade; somehow different than normal. All in all, …

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Importance of Community Involvement

As a business owner, you may commonly ask yourself- how can I become more involved within my community? How can I make an impact on my potential customers, and my current customer base? In a globally expanding society, it’s important that businesses maintain a local presence, and keep in mind the multitude of benefits being connected with their local community …

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10 Qualities of Great Community Leaders

It feels good to play a positive role in your community. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in day to day life and forget to focus on being community oriented. Here are 10 guidelines to follow in order to be a great leader in your community. This infographic can be found on Wake Forest University’s resource page.