Glaucoma Diet Plan

In the treatment of glaucoma diet that includes green leafy vegetable, meat, sea foods and fruits will be helpful. There are certain foods that should be included in glaucoma diet which are the combination of fruits, vegetables and meat. Some foods that are nutrient-rich and thus help in glaucoma treatment. Some of the common glaucoma symptoms that one can identify …

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Glaucoma: Types, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

If you are experiencing some health issues like seeing halos and glares around the lights, or is there a sudden vision loss, or a severe headache and pain in your eyes. Then you could be possibly suffering from a severe eye disorder, called Glaucoma. There are various factors which can damage your eyes and can gradually lead to vision loss …

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What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye disease that causes damage to your eye’s optic nerve. This leads to loss of vision and even blindness over time. This can be detected through comprehensive eye exam. The people who are more prone to this eye problem are those with diabetes. It may also be inherited and may not show up until later in life. …

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