Worldwide Screetime Map

Worldwide Screetime Map

A new study, from eye experts Lenstore, has revealed that the UK spends an eye watering 75% of their waking hours with their eyes glued to screens, with the average person spending almost double the amount of time on screens than they do sleeping. When calculated over the course of a year, each person in the UK spends an average …

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US Truck Accident Interactive Infographic Map

Like any motor vehicle, trucks cause car accidents. Furthermore, because trucks are large in size they often cause extensive damage to the vehicles they come into contact with. In many cases, deaths often result from collisions with trucks. In an effort to prevent truck accidents we conducted our own, completely original study to analyze where accidents were occurring the most. …

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Election 2015 Energy Manifesto Map

There’s only two days left till polling day. It has been a fraught campaign and the election is just far too close to call. There have been sound bites and stunts, even a few selfies along the way. At times it can be tricky to really know what each party is saying on specific issues. At OVO Energy, energy and …

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