23 Ideas for Marketers Wondering What to Post on Instagram

Instagram is the new battleground for brands. The highly visual platform is ripe with opportunities for brands and marketers to capture the attention of their audience. The team at Unmetric analyzed the most engaging branded content on Instagram from 2017 and here are a few takeaways : Marketing on Instagram is about expressing your product in the most appealing way …

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Cost Comparison: Courier Service vs. Post Office

If you have mails or packages that need to be delivered, you probably wonder what would be the best way to do so. Today, you generally have two options, either to drop them in a post office or contact a courier company to pick them up right at your doorstep. Although both have a similar role which is to transport …

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Best Times to Post on Social Media

There has been a lot of speculation about what are the best times to post on social media. When are the best times to tweet? Why is the Facebook reach so low? Is anyone actually watching Linkedin news updates? Several industry players, like Buffer who analysed 4.8 milion tweets and TrackMaven who did a study of 17.5 million social media …

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The 10 Most Expensive Painting Sales Post World War 2

Throughout the history of art, visual arts and painting in particular have always had impressively high valuations and frequently sold for millions of dollars. In the following infographic, we’re compiled a quick showcase of the current records held for painting trades. You’ll find out and learn more about the 10 most expensive painting sales post-WW2, which is around the time …

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