Surprising Seasonal Effects

Motoring through your favorite roadways might bring pleasure to you day. It’s always great to travel down the less-traveled, backroad. Especially in the fall, when leaves are changing and the scenery is beautiful. It’s one of the best times to be taking a Sunday drive! The springtime also brings about a great Sunday drive. Its the perfect opportunity to check …

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Why Productivity Decreases in Summer Season

If you happen to run your small business, i am sure you have noticed that when summer comes around something happens in the office. Why does productivity fall off so drastically when the weather gets hotter? No matter what industry your company is in, experiencing a decrease in the productivity of your employees during the summer is something that’s hard …

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Seasonal Retail Calendar 2015

premier line have put together a visual infographic to highlight the 2015 Seasonal Retail Calendar, an informative calendar to showcase the important dates for shops, e-commerce and retail businesses. The infographic is a great source for companies to use to capitalize on all of the seasonal marketing events taking place in the UK throughout the year. Being aware of the …

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