Surprising Seasonal Effects

Motoring through your favorite roadways might bring pleasure to you day. It’s always great to travel down the less-traveled, backroad. Especially in the fall, when leaves are changing and the scenery is beautiful. It’s one of the best times to be taking a Sunday drive!

The springtime also brings about a great Sunday drive. Its the perfect opportunity to check out the budding of trees and flowers, and enjoy the array of colors that can be found on spring blooms. But, many motorists don’t stop to consider how the changing of seasons can have an impact on their driving abilities as well.

Its commonly known that wintertime brings about a large amount of snow and ice for some areas of the world. Those who live in the area are accustomed to traveling through sleet and ice, and they know the necessary steps to take to ensure their automobile is safe on the roadways. For others, a changing in scenery and seasons can bring about more dangerous conditions that the motorist might not be adjusted to driving through.

Believe it or not, a recent study that was conducted shows that motorists are often times involved in more accidents during the summertime months. Despite the warmer temperatures and less risky situations on the roadways, on average, roadway accidents are more frequent during these months.

The leading cause of the accidents? Slick road conditions. Surprisingly, slick conditions caused more accidents on average than winter weather conditions in Wisconsin. Though your state may not experience winter weather conditions, it’s important to note that rainy roads, or roads that are still slick from precipitation greatly increase our risk for danger on the roadways. With this being said, its important that we all stay on top of ensuring our cars tires are in good condition, and breaks are regularly checked.

Surprising Seasonal Effects
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