Pre Employment Drug Testing in the United States

Many job positions require testing as can be seen in the infographic. Typically, employers choose 5-panel drug tests. They are simple, cheap, and effective in detecting the most commonly abused substances. Pre-employment drug screening has become a customary part of the final hiring decision. Besides, employers have a right to perform reasonable suspicion tests. It happens if potential substance use …

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Car Collisions: Numbers & Statistics for the United States & South Carolina

On average, there are 6 million car accidents in the U.S. a year 2.35 million people are injured or disabled from car accidents in the U.S. every year 37,641 people died in car accidents in 2016 8,000 people killed in crashes that involve young drivers ages 16-20 Causes of Death [2016] 10,487 people died due to drunk driving 10, 428 …

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A Comprehensive Overview of Freshwater Usage in the United States

Freshwater is vital to human survival. Our ancestors had the keen awareness that it was strategically advantageous to settle near rivers. This understanding drove the transition from tribes of early hunter-gatherers into civilization as we know it. Along with being a consistent source of drinkable water, rivers provide fertile land for hunting, fishing, agriculture, and transportation. After thousands of years …

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Seniors in the United States Above the Age of 65

There is a rapid growth in the population of older adults, but families feel more concern about the health of their senior loved one as he or she ages. Here are a few facts you should know about the rising population of seniors over the age of 65. There has been a decline in mortality and fertility rates which is …

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All About Government Contractor Accounting

The largest company in the world is the United States government, which signs more than 11 million contracts every year. About 95% of those contracts are given to small and medium sized businesses to encourage job creation and economic success. The four basic contract types awarded by the government are: fixed price, time and materials, cost plus, and indefinite quantity/indefinite …

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2016: An Election of Surprises

When you hear the words politics and history, your eyes may automatically want to glaze over. But if anything is true, it’s that both history and politics are filled with unexpected surprises and outcomes. Right now, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are squaring off in their campaigns to become the next President of the United States. Each has their own …

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Top 10 Best Life Insurance Companies in the United States

Choosing which insurance company to go for is not a walk in the park. You need to have a keen understanding on insurance policies and how you can tailor-fit it to your needs and budget. Thankfully, TermLife2go is here to help walk you through the process. They have seasoned agents who have written over thousands of policies in their careers. …

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