The UK’s driving opinions

In order to discover the UK’s driving opinions, flexible insurance provider Dayinsure surveyed the British public. Asking a range of questions tackling everything from drink-driving to driving test ages to the advancements of autonomous vehicles, they aimed to uncover the most controversial of UK opinions. The results came in and what they found is very interesting.

The infographic surmises the most thought-provoking of the findings. Displaying some of the statistics that make the results interesting and are the most surprising. Featuring simple design elements, it really focuses on some of the shocking statics that were uncovered and displays them in a way that’s easy to take away.

The accompanying article features the results to all of the surveys questions and also looks more into what they could mean, and how the UK’s opinions differ from current laws and regulations. It also features an interactive graphic displaying the data, and a competition! Be sure to read it to find out more.

The UK’s driving opinions
Infographic Source:

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