Videos for Each Stage of the Buyer’s Journey

People go through an internal journey before they finally make a decision to make a purchase. As a business owner or marketer, you need to be aware of the various stages that consumers go through before they make the final decision.
These stages are called the buyer’s journey. From the customers’ point of view, there is a ton of research involved. In order to utilize these stages using video content, you’ll have to analyze it yourself.
Stage 1: Awareness
Prospects have become vaguely aware of a problem.
They are not yet well-informed and are not ready to commit to a particular brand.
The videos you create for this stage should educate the viewer.
Stage 2: Consideration
At this stage, prospects know more about the various options available that may solve the problem they are facing.
Videos at this stage should be engaging and useful. For example, explainer videos.
Stage 3: Decision
The prospect is now geared towards making a final purchase decision.
Videos at this stage should provide assurance to the prospect that your company has the best solution for their particular problem. For example, about us videos and testimonials.
Stage 4: Loyalty
Taking care of your customer after the sale or completion of a goal nurtures loyalty and can turn your customers into brand advocates. Videos at this stage should show the customers that you value them. For example, thank you videos
Videos for Each Stage of the Buyer's Journey
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