There are various of words that we now use and each word has its roots or origin. These words were derived from old language or they originated from writers. Many of these words were actually developed by famous authors. Apart from contributing their best literary works, writers have also contributed the words that they created. These words were first used in novels, short stories, essays, poets, etc. From centuries old literary pieces to the modern times literary works, authors have contributed a lot of new words to the English language. In fact, this is what makes the language a diverse one. It is composed of thousands of words coming from writers who first created and introduced them through their works. Even William Shakespeare and other popular authors have significantly contributed in the creation of various words that until now we still get to use. When you brows the words in the dictionary and trace back where these words actually originated from, you will find out that many of them were coined by various literary authors in different genres. For years, these words have accumulated, developed and evolved. Eventually, they have become certain words that we now know and use.