Workplace Fire Risks

A workplace fire is a nightmare for business owners and employees. Not only is a workplace fire terrifying and dangerous, it can also cost a business a huge amount in terms of assets and money. Thankfully, most companies take a responsible approach towards fire safety and do the best to keep their business and employees safe.
When we think of fire safety, we often think of escaping from a fire. Another side of fire safety, however, is prevention.  With a pro-active approach to fire prevention, we can drastically reduce the chances of a fire starting in the first place. This infographic identifies some of the major causes of workplace fires. By identifying these causes, it becomes much easier to prevent a fire from starting.

Preventing a Fire in the Workplace

By looking at each cause of fire individually, we can better implement strategies to reduce the risk of fire. For example, one major cause of fire is electrical faults. By identifying this, we can then look closer at the most likely places they could occur in a workplace (e.g. in electrical appliances). To prevent fires from occurring as a result of an electrical fault, thorough and regular checks are required as is maintenance when necessary. In addition to this, fire suppression systems can be installed so that if a fire does start, it will be put out immediately. For more examples of common causes of fire and for practical advice for reducing the risk to your business, be sure to read the infographic below.Common-causes-of-fire-in-the-workplace
Infographic Source:

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