Every employer is responsible in promoting a workplace where employees feel safe and protected as they try to make a living. However, there are still some situations that are out of management’s control. Such situations can include concerns on sexual harassment.
Workplace sexual harassment is any sexual act or behavior in the workplace done against an individual’s will, whether with consent or not. As such, it can happen to anyone, no matter how small an act may be. This action is illegal as it goes against both the state and the federal law.
With the rise of the #MeToo campaign, that has helped victims safely speak and open up about their experiences, Shegerian & Associates have prepared an infographic aid that maps out everything important that one needs to know about sexual harassment – facts, statistics, types, examples, and tips on how to deal with it should it ever happen to you or a colleague.
Infographic Source: https://www.shegerianlaw.com/workplace-sexual-harassment-fast-facts-stats-you-need-to-know/