10 Best Places to Submit Your Infographics

Building a compelling and professional infographic that gets your point across is just the first stage. The second step is ensuring that your hard work finds the audience it deserves. Excellent infographics sometimes end up largely un viewed because nobody knows where to find them. That’s why you need to broaden the audience by ensuring the infographic ends up on as many quality websites as possible.

There is no shortage of places to submit infographics for publication, but some are better than others.

Here are ten great places to submit your work. This list starts with the best and biggest websites to consider.

1. Mashable:

Mashable-logoMashable is an industry leader when it comes to writing about digital culture. Their focus is broad, from fun viral videos to news about apps. Infographics play a big part of their coverage, and they’re often sharing the best and most interesting works with their enormous audience.

Your work actually appearing on Mashable is not guaranteed, yet it’s worth the effort because of the unparalleled reach they have compared to other infographic-related websites (for starters, Mashable boasts a combined total of 10 million Twitter followers and Facebook likes). Their submission process offers some important guidelines, yet you might be better off directly contacting an editor or reporter to explain why your infographic is perfect for Mashable.

Just make sure that before you submit, your infographic is truly up to snuff – take a close look at previous infographics they have posted. If yours is truly similar in quality, go for it!

2. Visual.ly:

Visual.ly LogoUnlike Mashable, Visual.ly is purely focused on infographics. While the Visual.ly business model is based on building infographics for clients, they have a vibrant community where many talented creators show off their work. It’s an active area where users can comment and like infographics.

The submission process is easy, so if you’re pressed for time then Visual.ly should be a priority when deciding where to share your work. Since they have built a whole interface around accepting infographic submissions, the process is quick and relatively painless.

3. Daily Infographic:

Daily Infographic LogoDaily Infographic is built around the idea of providing the best, most interesting infographics to its audience as a way to spread knowledge. It’s a good way to reach an engaged group of users (including a Facebook audience of over 50,000 fans), but getting an infographic featured as an advertisement costs $350. More information can be found by going through Daily Infographic’s submission process.

4. Cool Infographics:

Cool Infographics Logo

This is a one-man blog highlighting the best infographics out there. It features relatively few infographics compared to the large scale of the previously mentioned websites, yet having your work on Cool Infographics will ensure that your work stands out. It will also be passed along to a Pinterest following of nearly 20,000. Send a message with a link to your infographic to see if it makes the cut.

5. Infographics Showcase:

Submit your infographic to Infographics Showcase to be featured on their website. It’s a paid service and your work will also be shared with their active Facebook and Twitter audience. The nice thing about the website is that each infographic stands out, so your submission won’t be lost in a pile of other works.

6. Infographics Archive:

Infographics Archive LogoInfographics Archive is open about their visitor numbers: They attracted 2.2 million users in 2016 and an average of 1.8 million monthly Pinterest views. Getting seen by that audience will cost $19.99 per infographic. Some of the sites in the list offer no guarantees that they’ll feature your work, so the price is a reasonable investment to ensure reaching a decent-sized audience.

7. Graphs.net:

Graphs.net is like a small-scale Visual.ly, as infographics can be submitted and then liked by the users. The audience is small, but submitting an infographic only requires creating an account.

8. Submit Infographics:

Submit Infographics claims to be one of the longest-running infographic submission websites around. It’s not unlike Graphs.net or Visual.ly, except there’s a cost of one dollar for submitting an infographic.

9. Infographic Journal:

Infographic Journal LogoThis archive of infographics has two different submission options. An express submission costs $25 and ensures that your infographic will be posted quickly. The free basic submission can take a couple weeks to be published if editors approve the infographic.

10. Love Infographics:

Love Infographics is a free place to submit your infographic. While submitting is free, you can pay extra to have them promote your infographic.

If you weren’t sure how to share your infographic with an audience, this list can point you in the right direction. Submitting to the appropriate sites from this list is a great first step in promoting your infographic. Make sure that a few weeks after you submit you follow these steps to search for postings of your infographic – that way you don’t miss any potential links you’ve built for yourself or your client. Now go out there and share your work with the world.

Got another favorite infographic directory? Share it and what makes it so great in the comments below!

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