7 SEO Basics You Need to Know

Search engine optimization or SEO is all about optimizing and tweaking your website in a way that makes it appealing to search engines. This is so visitors arrive at your site naturally through organic searches. However, understanding SEO can be daunting, especially for those who are not well-versed in the digital marketing space. This infographic provides seven foundational SEO tips that can help anyone be more familiar with the basic principles behind on-page and off-page factors, including ones that might not be immediately apparent.
These tips include:

  1. Content is still king;
  2. Keywords still matter;
  3. Backlinks can help, but they aren’t everything
  4. Internal links are essential;
  5. UX (user experience) and SEO go hand in hand.
  6. Don’t neglect your backend obligations.
  7. Consistency is key.

Good SEO requires a multifaceted approach and a sustained effort in constantly creating content, doing strategic keyword research, and making sure that relevant sites are linking to you, all while making the experience for users fast and seamless.
7 SEO Basics You Need to Know
Infographic Source: https://coalitiontechnologies.com/blog/seo-101/14600/

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