About Stress and Its Health Effects

Being a human, happiness and sadness is quite a common experience that you will face in your life. Tension and stress is also quite common thing that you will experience at least once in your life, this is especially true with middle class people. Stress can occur due to work pressure, unhappiness at workplace, family problems, and other personal issues.  Modern work environment and lifestyle are one of the main causes making people to fall under stress. We all know that stress and depression can lead to several health issues. All though, it can be controlled by following good lifestyle habits like eating right foods, exercising and doing regular yoga, but due to busy lifestyle activities most people are failing to control it. Stress

Infographic Source : http://www.medicaldaily.com/pulse/human-body-suffers-when-its-stressed-out-how-handle-adverse-health-effects-349100

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