Childhood can be rough. Think of everything kids have to deal with as they grow up: colds, bumps, ear infections, allergies, insomnia… Not to mention their changing bodies. It’s a lot to handle, which is why chiropractic care can be a big help. Plenty of parents have already figured this out. After all, 17% of all chiropractic patients are under the age of 18 and usually seek out chiropractic to resolve common childhood conditions.
So, why should you take your kids to the chiropractor? We’ll give you eight reasons that may just change your kid’s life for the better.
What’s chiropractic care?
Chiropractic care is a safe and natural practice that can play a key role in your child’s preventative health care. Specifically, chiropractic care involves applying force to certain areas to restore position and mobility. Often these adjustments are done to restore an unnatural position and reduce pain. Sometimes this happens after an accident, but it can happen due to common conditions and illness.
However, chiropractors do much more than adjustments. Generally speaking, chiropractic takes a holistic approach to health, looking at all keys areas. For your child, this could mean detailing a care plan that includes adjustments, exercise, diet, vaccinations, supplements and physical therapy. This big-picture approach is ideal for keeping your kids healthy as they grow older.
Chiropractors are known to help resolve common childhood ails, including chronic ear infections, allergies, bed-wetting, colic, torticollis, digestive problems, asthma, seizures and more. Often they do this by getting to the root of the problem. Instead of medication, they search for the underlying issue and try to use natural means to adjust it.
Is chiropractic care safe?
Naturally, some parents may be wary of sending their child to a chiropractor. However, according to the ICPA, chiropractic care for children “may be one of the safest forms of health care available.” Specifically, recent studies show that only a handful of children out of 10,000 visits experienced minor discomfort. This evidence suggests it’s a safe and natural alternative for many childhood conditions.
Top 8 benefits of chiropractic care for children
1. Provide holistic, customized care
To start with, chiropractic care is holistic and customized, meaning that chiropractors often make recommendations and suggestions for a child’s unique situation. Every child will need a different care plan, depending on his/her conditions. For example, a child with chronic headaches may need adjustments, an exercise program, an anti-inflammatory diet (including healthy snacks), updated vaccinations, vitamin-C supplements and massage therapy. You can’t get that kind of comprehensive plan from a typical doctor.
2. Enhance motor skills, coordination and strength
By making the right adjustments and suggesting specific exercises and physical therapy, chiropractors can help kids with their motor skills. In general, young children are still learning the skills and coordination that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. A chiropractor can maximize this process and ensure that development is healthy. Chiropractic can ensure that kids are walking, running, kicking, throwing, sitting and standing with proper posture and alignment.
3. Build up your kid’s immune system
Chiropractic care can also strengthen your kid’s immune system. This boost comes from the therapeutic touch, which promotes better blood flow, allowing your child’s body to run more smoothly. With a stronger immune system, your kids will recover from illnesses more quickly and stay healthy as they get older.
4. Optimize growth and development
Your kids are always growing and changing. Sometimes it feels like they grow a foot in a year! These normal changes can be physically taxing on your child. A chiropractor can help optimize development by making sure muscles and bones are growing in the correct alignment. In addition, a chiropractor can identify stress areas and try to adjust them so that your kids stay healthy and energized.
5. Fix bumps and scrapes
Kids are always putting on band-aids! Bumps and scrapes are commonplace during childhood. As they’re testing their new bodies, kids get into falls, bumps and scrapes. A chiropractor can help get your child’s body back into alignment and make sure recovery times are optimized. It’s typical for a chiropractor to look at injured areas with an eye for comfort, as well as getting the body back to normal in no time.
6. Cut out unnecessary antibiotics
A chiropractor uses an all-natural approach that includes adjustments and other natural solutions to resolve conditions. For children, this is ideal for avoiding unnecessary antibiotics. While a typical doctor will prescribe an antibiotic for an ear infection, a chiropractor will make an ear adjustment so that future ear infections don’t occur. This natural approach is beneficial to get to the root of the problem and cut out unnecessary medications.
7. Boost in energy and attitude
Growing up can be tiring. Your kid’s body is constantly changing and undergoing stresses. Chiropractic care can help your kid’s energy levels and subsequently, his/her attitude. By optimizing development and adjusting misalignment, chiropractic can keep your kid’s body as strong and healthy as possible. Evidence suggests that seeing a chiropractor can also boost a child’s attitude and mood.
8. Specialized in developmental disorders
Chiropractic care is also for children with developmental disorders. Common chiropractic adjustments can help kids with conditions where muscle dystrophy is involved, such as cerebral palsy, ADHD, autism and down syndrome. A chiropractor can make them more comfortable by reducing stiffness and tension. Preliminary studies say that chiropractic may also benefit patients with behavioral disorders like ADD/ADHD, as it reduces stress and enhances concentration.
Consult a chiropractor near you
Chiropractic care may be the long-term solution you’re looking for to track and optimize your kid’s health into adulthood. The kind of holistic, customized care that chiropractic clinics offer is unique. By consulting a chiropractor near you, you can get a big-picture look at your child’s health, including adjustments, exercise, diet, vaccinations, supplements and physical therapy.
Boost your kid’s health with long-term chiropractic care!
About Dr. Brent Wells
Dr. Brent Wells, D.C. is the founder of Juneau’s Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab and has been a chiropractor for over 20 years. His practice has treated thousands of patients from different health problems using various services designed to help give you long-lasting relief.
Dr. Wells is also the author of over 700 online health articles that have been featured on sites such as Dr. Axe and Lifehack. He is a proud member of the American Chiropractic Association and the American Academy of Spine Physicians. And he continues his education to remain active and updated in all studies related to neurology, physical rehab, biomechanics, spine conditions, brain injury trauma, and more.