How Does Search Engine Ranking Impact Click-Through-Rate?

This infographic shows very clearly how a difference of just one or two ranking positions in the SERPs (search engine results pages) can greatly affect how many click-throughs a website may get. On average, if your link appears at #1 on page one of Google, your website’s click-through-rate will be around 35%, whereas ranking at #10 will give you a click-through-rate (CTR) of around just 2-3%.
Of course, ranking isn’t the only factor that can affect CTR. After all, there is no point ranking in the top three of the SERPs if people don’t feel inclined to click on your link. This is why it is vitally important to optimise your listing in the SERPs by providing descriptive and engaging titles and meta-descriptions which contain your focus keyword, as well as a clear and strong call-to-action. Read the article that accompanies this infographic to find out how to monitor and improve your own click-through-rates.
Infographic designed by Tom Black from Bootcamp Media, Birmingham, UK – a small, but perfectly-formed internet marketing and SEO agency.
How Does Search Engine Ranking Impact Click-Through-Rate
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