Have you got your infographic rejected in one those infographic submission sites? Don’t worry, it happens quite often. You may be wondering now why your work has been rejected, as many submission sites do not provide a reason due to a high volume of submissions making it difficult to answer each one by one.
Well, the main two reasons are low quality of design and low quality of data. A low quality design is often created by someone who is not a designer and has little to no knowledge of design technics and tools, delivering a poor overall design.
Low quality of data means that your work is not providing real information or the information provided is poor.
There are other reasons for rejection like being promotional. An infographic should be informative and provide useful insights about something. If you create a promotional infographic it will probably fall inside the ‘low quality of data’ bucket and get rejected.
Infographic Source: https://infographicdatabase.com/list-of-infographic-submission-websites/