The Complete Guide To Sports Injury Prevention For Kids

Putting the child in any sport, either be its recreational biking or frisbee, can train them to push their limits and gain the spirit of sportsmanship and discipline. On the other hand, mostly sport may bring possible injury.

Children are prone for sports injuries for plenty of reasons. Children, particularly in the middle childhood, have slower reactions and less coordinated compare to adults as for the reason that they are still in developing stage. Although kids with the same age, their maturity rates varied differently, in height or weight. Once children with different weight and sizes collide in a sport, the chance of getting injured is high.

Having the first hand knowledge about the sources of sports injuries and how it will be prevented, Afterschool .ae, the leading source of kid activities in Dubai made an infographic to turn sports into fun and meaningful experience for your kids.

Kids sports Injury Prevention

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