Personal Injury Statistics In The US

Personal injuries are one of the leading causes of litigation in the United States. But the causes of these injuries vary greatly, and the details of the ensuing lawsuits are bound to vary as well. This infographic will acquaint you with the most common types of personal injuries, the demographics most often affected by each, and the success rates when …

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How to File A Personal Injury Claim

Were you recently involved in an accident? If so, you may be eligible for compensation. To get this process started, you need to file a personal injury claim. Charleston personal injury lawyer, Max Sparwasser, wanted to help guide you in the right direction. He produced this infographic so that injury victims will know what steps to take after being involved …

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Neck Pain – The Most Common Injury Suffered in Car Accidents

Neck injuries, commonly known as whiplash, are the most common injury suffered in car accidents. Neck strain injuries affect the soft tissues in the neck, pain and swelling could also take days or weeks to develop. Whiplash can be a very controversial injury, as it will not show up in medical tests such as X-Ray or MRI. The injury itself …

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Facts About Spinal Cord Injury Awareness

Many temporary and permanent changes can occur after sustaining a spinal cord injury with several warning signs such as numbness, back pain, neurologic deficits, loss of sensation, or paralysis. Most of the SCI cases have to undergo surgery for spine treatment. Here are a few essential facts to learn about spinal cord injuries. The spinal cord is a cluster of …

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Understanding the 2015/16 HSE Injury and Fatalities Statistics

Despite the prevailing opinion that health and safety goes too far and “molly coddles” people, there are no signs of improvement in the Health and Safety Executive statistics. In fact the number of injuries and even fatalities in the workplace has increased year on year. This increase is costing businesses, and the UK economy dearly, with an estimated £14.1 billion …

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HSE Fatal Injury Statistics 2014/15

Great Britain’s health and safety executive have published their 2014/15 annual statistics on the quantity of deaths documented in the workplace. Per one hundred thousand workers, there were 0.46 deaths in 14/15 which corresponds to a figure of 142 fatally injured workers. The 5-year average rate of 0.53 compaes to the latest rate of deaths of 0.46. For the past …

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The Complete Guide To Sports Injury Prevention For Kids

Putting the child in any sport, either be its recreational biking or frisbee, can train them to push their limits and gain the spirit of sportsmanship and discipline. On the other hand, mostly sport may bring possible injury. Children are prone for sports injuries for plenty of reasons. Children, particularly in the middle childhood, have slower reactions and less coordinated …

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