Social Media Marketing Trends 2016

Nowadays, many companies actively post on social media networks, by upgrading their pages every day or week. Nevertheless, very few companies plan to use social marketing to meet their goals.
Therefore, it is good to consider that social media marketing turns out to be effective when part of an integrated E-Business and E-Communication strategy.
When choosing a target audience, it is important to know how popular a social network is and how often users login to it.
In this regard, some social networks are raising more rapidly than others: Pinterest, Tumblr and Instagram are more and more exploited for marketing purposes.
Despite this, Facebook remains the social media with the highest percentage of user accounts and active users.
The following infographic, created by Market Inspector, provides useful information about the behavior of marketers and users on social media.
Further valuable data and statistics illustrate the latest trends in social media marketing.Social Media Marketing Trends 2016
Infographic Source:

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