The Brexit Impact on the GBP and UK Industries

By now, pretty much everyone has heard of and thought about Brexit. The UK is set to formally leave the European Union (EU) in October, and there will certainly be some serious changes to the British economy. ‘Brexit’ refers to the UK’s decision to leave the EU. The ‘British exit’ of the EU was passed by a referendum which saw …

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A Timeline of Brexit

The Brexit saga has completely dominated all of media (and much of everyday conversation) for the past three years, especially in the UK. All of the ups and downs have been simultaneously unmissable and unwatchable, and it’s not even over yet! From David Cameron resigning as Britain’s prime minister, to parliament taking control of the whole process, and Theresa May …

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Could Brexit Change Where You Ski?

The UK went to the polls and made the decision to leave the EU and now the country finds itself on the verge of Brexit and facing the changes that are to come. If you’re a keen skier it will affect your ski holiday and this infographic about how Brexit could change where you ski highlights how skiing in Canada …

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What’s happening with Brexit and the economy?

With Brexit being well over a year ago, it’s clear that the decision to leave the European Union has had some effect on the UK’s economy. Growth has slowed and remains lower than the Euro zone, and sterling still hasn’t fully recovered. With that in mind, we thought we would look at some major metrics that indicate how well the …

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Brexit Property Impact 1 Month Later

It has been just over a month since Brexit. There have been a number of concerns around Brexit including the impact on the property market if the UK decides to leave the EU. This infographic shows the current impact on the property market one month post Brexit. Overall, property prices and transaction volumes have fallen by around 8%, but there …

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