College Sports and Social Media

Social media is a significant part of our lives today. Its role has led to an increase in awareness and management of one’s online reputation. Thought of as public figures and representatives of the school, this can cause their organizations to come under fire if their posts and accounts aren’t up to snuff. This is especially true for college athletes, …

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When you compare your own writing with the work done by the experts

Writing an academic paper at a decent level is a skill, which cannot be easily obtained. It is not the thing every student can do as good as professors expect. And it is also understandable that it becomes harder if the topic is not something you are interested in. Do not forget that you need to meet the requirements of …

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Choosing The Right College After Std.10

After Class 10 Board Exams are over several questions strike the mind of a student. One of the common questions that come in every student’s mind is which college or institution they should join after completing Class 10. This is a very important decision which they should take after doing too much research. Selection of a college or institution after …

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Ways To Save On College Education

When you are high school alumni it’s time to begin to think about your life and future. That’s great if your parents can take about you and invest your future, if they have the possibility to pay for prestigious college. But what if they can’t do that? If you dream about college as the first step to stable well-paid job …

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College Paper Editing Checklist

College paper editing is required task at the end of your course. It have to be done by each student. But what is the most important thing you have to remember, when you are editing your college paper? We have done great infographic with tips and rules, that should be in your mind, when you are doing your college papers. …

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20 College Scholarships with Easy Applications

Every day millions of students apply for admission into thousands of colleges and universities across the country. But for many the real struggle doesn’t come until after the acceptance letter has arrived at their doorstep, for these students the true struggle comes from the, unfortunately unavoidable, worrying where their first tuition check will be coming from. But these young and …

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The Reality And Solution Of College Plagiarism

With education evolving leaps and bounds into the technological age plagiarism is becoming easier and easier to do for students. What many do not know is that plagiarism can be achieved several different ways than just copying someone else’s work, you can be cited for plagiarizing someone’s work by failing to cite quotations, inaccurate citations, mixing sources without citing any, …

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Money in College:Where Does It Go?

The first word a student should learn before going to college is frugality. The second item on the agenda is to understand your finances and seriously manage your expectations. Going to college without the intention of setting a budget – and sticking to it – is a recipe for financial disaster. How do you know what to budget for? Some …

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