Tag Archives: mobile app

Top Mobile App Development Trends for 2020

In the present digital era, millions of people across the globe are using mobile applications. The mobile app development technology is gaining huge recognition in all spheres of life and is becoming an essential part of the digital network. From the past few years’ mobile app development industry has shaped various spheres of technology due to which several businesses have …

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IELTS Mobile App for IELTS Exam Preparation

Don’t like waiting for hours in the traffic to attend an hour of classes? Maybe you don’t like to study alone. You might even want to study at your convenient time for the IELTS Exam. But in a typical IELTS Coaching Class, how is this possible? IELTS Test Preparation cannot be sidelined, as, without dedicated practice and strategy, even the …

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Why to Choose Ionic for My Mobile App Development

With a huge stack of technology nowadays it is hard to select only one for you mobile app development you would be the most comfortable with, isn’t it? Out of all the mobile technologies we have chosen Ionic, as this is a fast growing hybrid technology in terms of popularity. What’s more, about 33% pf app developers are willing to …

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Top 5 Hacks For Efficient Mobile App Development & Testing

Android has skyrocketed its sales and has become the choice for global consumers with the myriad of devices it powers and supports. Many developers are hence attracted towards Android app development. With a basic hands-on on the programming language, developing a mobile app is possible. If Apps aren’t developed to perfection, usually cause problems like sluggish performance, crashes and frequent …

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Top Mobile App Development Trends In 2016

Everybody now acknowledges that the future of commerce is intricately linked to apps even if the world of apps remains as dynamic as ever. Trends and developments in app technology keep changing every few months making it even more important to stay abreast of happenings if you are to leverage the benefits of mobile apps for your business. According to …

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6 Strategies to Drive Mobile App Engagement

Business in mobile app today are struggling. This is due to high rate of user who abandon app after one use. Studies confirmed that the percentage of user who abandon app after one use is rising these pas years. In 2014, the percentage of user who abandon app after one usage is twenty percent. In 2016, however, the percentage of …

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Mobile App Development Trends Infographic for 2016

Satisfying the end user is paramount in any business venture. The same is realized in the mobile app industry as well. Developers are bending over backwards to ensure that once a user installs an app onto their phone, they remain engaged with it and keep coming back for more. In 2016, we’ll definitely see a greater focus on developers providing …

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