Feeding recommendation for pets

Before, you would know how to feed your pets, you should just remember that every dog is different. Most of the pet lovers get confused not knowing how much to feed, the type of the food to feed and what timings of the day. The general guidelines provided in here will help you to know the daily amount of food …

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Four Life Stages in the Life of a Cat and Dog

Cats and Dogs both go through different stages of life. There are certain characteristics and things to look for in each phase that pet owners should be aware of. In order to keep a pet happy and healthy, you should pay attention to an animal’s behavior, appetite, and symptoms. Serious health conditions and chronic illnesses such as Arthritis, Vomiting, Hypothyroidism, …

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21 Reason Why I Want to Become a Veterinarian

Veterinary is a great profession. It is not only helping animals, pets, you will also make people happier, because no one wants to have ill pet or lose it. Here we have prepared this nice infographic that will tell you about 21 reason why do people want to become a veterinarian. You will find here some historical facts, interesting stats …

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How People Transport Pets Abroad

Statistics clearly show the following trends in transport: Poles outsource the transportation of animals to those European Union countries which are the most popular trends of emigration. The most popular destinations are the Western countries: the United Kingdom (63%), Ireland (12%), Germany (7%). In recent years, there appeared Spain (3%), the Netherlands (3%), France (2%), Norway (2%) and Italy (2%). …

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