To Eat or To Keep: The Shelf Life of Your Favourite Foods

Did you know that generally, you can still eat foods even after the “Best Before” date written on a product’s label?
Manufacturers put the Best Before date to inform consumers until when a certain food product can be enjoyed at its ideal quality. Once that date has passed, you can still eat some foods but at a slightly lower quality. That’s why it’s called the “best before” date.
Of course, each type of food goes bad at different rates, so it’s still better to have an idea of when which foods could go bad. Below you’ll see a visual that shows the shelf life of some of the most common foods we eat on a daily basis, like meat, fruits, vegetables, canned goods, and takeout meals from fast food.
Want to know how long you can keep that pizza you bought last week on your refrigerator? Check out the infographic below.

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