Employing social media websites in a fast-paced, highly connected web environment is necessary when running a business and trying to reach out to clientele. Florists especially have to be savvy online when showcasing their inventory of floral arrangements and reaching out to old and new consumers alike. This includes knowing how to navigate platforms like Facebook, Google My Business, Yelp, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn to boost sales and expand outreach. These services are highly recommended so that florist professionals can showcase their services and products, keep their clients up-to-date on news and events, drive traffic to their website, and target their intended audience.
In this infographic, Floranext provides advice and tips for professionals in the industry getting started in marketing and advertising their store to customers through search engine optimization techniques. They note the top 8 social media websites that can be most effective tools for floral professionals based on their major objectives, as well as visually map out why they are significant in the floral industry.
Infographic Source: https://floranext.com/top-8-social-media-sites-for-florists/