UK Phone Secrets

In order to discover how people across the UK were really using their smartphones, mobile phone insurance brand, loveit coverit, commissioned an independent survey of 2,000 respondents, looking at various attitudes toward sexting, revenge porn, and smartphone cheating. This produced some very interesting results.
One of the most shocking reveals was that 19% of young men in the UK keep a secret phone from their current romantic partner. Furthermore, 47% of young Brits have sent or receive some form of intimate photo from another person, whilst 20% have admitted to sharing received intimate photos with a third-party. Not only does this survey help highlight the extent to which (predominantly) young people are using their smartphones to engage in sexual activity, it shows how this can lead to serious issues of non-consensual sharing.
The infographic details some of the most interesting stats from the survey, giving you a clear idea of the overall picture.
UK Phone Secrets
Infographic Source:

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