Why SEO is like Snakes & ladders

From the joy of finally reaching page one, to the despair of being knocked off it again, SEO can feel like a real-life game of snakes and ladders. So much so, that the team at FSE Digital, put together an infographic of the highs and lows of search engine optimisation.
Move up a few positions because you’ve optimised your content, but slip back down when you’re hit by an algorithm update, or your competitor gained some better links. Our graphic covers the wins and the mistakes to avoid if you want to try and reach the top.
But remember, once you’ve reached the top, the game is only just beginning. Unlike the real snakes and ladders, with SEO, when you finally get to position one, you have to defend your victory – and that takes even more hard work and effort than it did to get there in the first place!
Why SEO is like Snakes & ladders
Infographic Source: https://www.fsedigital.com/why-seo-is-like-snakes-and-ladders/

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