The Mythical Creatures of Nature

This collection covers mythical creatures from 15 countries that are connected to nature this way or another: they lives in forests, protect them from strangers, or they are a part of it. Unlike chimeras,vampires, and other monstrous creatures these are very family-friendly. Some of them, like Kapre, Spriggan, and Leshy do show up in stories as negative characters, but they …

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Evolution of the Children’s Story

The infographic in question is a detailed timeline charting the Evolution Of The Children’s Story: beginning with Aesop’s Fables right back at around 600BC and ending with the most recent novel on the list, Suzanne Collins’ ‘The Hunger Games’ (2008). This timeline celebrates the most popular children’s stories of different eras: mentioning the particular struggles or circumstances that have faced …

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How Social Groups can Help Children

Social groups are important in every child’s development. It is the perfect honing ground for them to develop and practice their social skills in a therapeutic setting. Many children still lack the necessary skills to establish a sound relationship with their peers. Yet with consistent exposure to their peers and social group, they are given the chance to enhance their …

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Kids Generation- What Shaped Tomorrow’s Shapers?

Are you born in the 80’s, the 90’s, or the new millennium? Although these generations are just a decade apart from one another, our environment has been changing very radically, to a point where people born in each time span have very different principles and beliefs. 10 years ago, mobile internet speeds crawl. And 10 years ago before that, smartphones …

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10 Ways To Save Money On Your Nursery

Becoming a parent is an exciting time, but did you know that it can cost as much as $10,000 in the first year alone? When you think about all the things you need to buy for your baby, it’s easy to see how costs can quickly add up. That’s why it’s important to save money where you can. When it …

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Definitive Child Road Safety Guide

It is estimated that each year, there are 2,400 kids injured after being run over by cars. That’s about 50 children per week! This data is alarming, considering children are meant to stay within safety. Oh, well, yes they do stay within safety, it’s the cars that go out-of-bounds. Kids of all ages are at risk of becoming involves in …

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Popular Summer Camps in UAE

As parents, we always make sure our kids get what they need. Of course, one of the basic and most important needs of kids is education. And true enough, kids also need a break from school from time to time. However, these long school breaks can also be a cause of learning loss. Summer brain drain, as it is commonly …

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Summer Safety Tips for Every Age Group

One of the most anticipated time of the year is summertime. This is the most perfect opportunity to swim and just relax, or go on overseas vacations. Whether you plan to go to the beach on explore in a foreign country, both may involve exposure under sunlight. And prolonged exposures under the sun can lead to sunburn. This should not …

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Summer Activities in Dubai for Kids

Summer break is near. Have you thought of things your children can do with their free time? As parents, it’s important to provide our kids with fun and educational activities that will enhance certain aspects of their personality, or develop certain skills they can use in life. Having a vacation overseas will really excite them, but this may be too …

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Keeping Kids Hydrated

Coffee, tea, soda pop, milk, juice, wine, and many more–we could really say that there are a lot of beverages out there in the market. It’s quite a booming industry if you think about it. Some, like coffee, have already been ingrained in our daily lives that they already changed our lifestyles and, in effect, our cultures. But, whatever happened …

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