Parents! Protect your children online with digital parenting

Some parents are aware of the fact that what are digital dangers and most of the parents no noting being non–tech savvy. They should perform digital parenting and protect their children from all digital dangers. Modern technology is full of online vulnerabilities apart from the advantages it has brought over the years. Parents should guide children about the dangers online …

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5 Reasons Why Digital Trumps Traditional – Marketing for Small Businesses

The main difference between small and large businesses is the resources. Small business mostly gets affected by the absence of adequate resources on multiple levels, including its marketing efforts. As conventional marketing needs a lot of money so this is where digital marketing steps in. The infographic here shows a few points on why every small business should have a …

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Digital Marketing: In-House vs Agency

Determining the best way to market a business online is a complex decision.  The answer can be found by looking at the pros and cons of these three options: an in-house marketing team, a large marketing firm or a smaller, more personalized boutique agency. This infographic will help you determine issues such as cost effectiveness and performance so you can make …

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Top 3 Outdated Digital Marketing Strategies

The world of internet marketing is changing fasters as we could imagine. The strategies which works best yesterday, might not work at the present anymore. Search engines are becoming more intelligent and so are we. For us, these three things are the digital marketing strategies that marketers should avoid this year. Working in the digital world is quite challenging, but …

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Marketing Campaigns – How do you like yours cooked?

It has occurred to us that everyone likes their steaks cooked in a different way. But the raw ingredients are the same. Much like digital marketing campaigns. We all like a different mix of SEO, PPC, social media, content marketing etc but again, the raw ingredients remain the same. It’s just the treatment that changes. So we’ve compared steaks with …

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The Power Of Digital Influence

The Internet is currently one of the most powerful media and as such plays an important role in marketing. The first step towards successful online promotion, however, is a company’s website that needs to be optimized for excellent user experience. The infographic outlines some of the most important factors that determine a visitor’s overall experience with the website, as well …

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Value of Online Degree

When employers are hunting for qualified professionals having degrees, the value of online education has become equal to traditional education. Therefore, many working professionals are opting for life experience degree to set themselves apart from young college graduates.