Why Does My Water Smell Like Eggs?

If your water smell like eggs then you might have a problem at hand. But we can get rid of such smell with some methods. An egg smell is a sign that the water is highly contaminated. As we know there are more than 3000 chemicals in the water. Many times cause behind the unpleasant odour of water within the …

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21 Benefits Of Filtered Water

Considering how important water is for the life and health of people, we set out to investigate how healthy the water around us is, and whether the water we drink is best for us. We have concluded that enormous environmental pollution primarily affects water. To get rid of bacteria in the water, plumbing employees add a lot of chlorine, fluorine …

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Why Water Reclamation is Critical to Environmental Health

Water reclamation is a necessary step to prevent wastewater from entering our water supply, but most people don’t understand how water reclamation works. Scotts Pressure Wash engages in responsible business practices that focus on limiting the impact of pressure washing on the environment. Water reclamation begins by covering storm drains that may be affected by pressure washing. This prevents dirty …

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Seven Facts About Water Heaters – How Safe is Yours?

We all love a feeling of hot shower on a cold morning. Find out how your home water heater may be dangerous and how to play it safe. Regular tank water heaters do require your attention and periodic maintenance that needs to be performed. Learn what steps to take to flush your water heater to extend its life and potentially …

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The 21 Best Water-Based Myths Tested On MythBusters

If you fall from a bridge does it make a difference if you hit water or concrete at the bottom? What about if you throw something like a hammer to break the surface tension before you hit the water will that help you survive? The answer to those myths and 19 others are answered in this MythBusters infographic. Water-based myths …

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Amazing Benefits of Alkaline Water

Alkaline water, often mentioned as miracle water can indeed do miracles to your health and life. The alkaline water is primarily known for its antioxidant property and its ability to prevent common diseases. The anti-aging benefits of Alkaline Water have been widely discussed by many scientists and doctors. No wonder why the alkaline water is called as Miracle Water. The …

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