Lead Generation Metrics You Should Be Aware Of

Any marketer worth their salt doesn’t just get the word out about their brand or product. They also put a lot of work and effort into tracking and analyzing metrics so they can adapt what works into their strategy, as well as avoid taking up time and resources doing something that doesn’t improve numbers.
You might already be analyzing the basic metrics for lead generation. But, in order to optimize your strategy, you have to know all the relevant numbers so you can spot your strengths and weaknesses.
Just as your company’s specialties are shaped by its own unique mix of services and talent, your metrics will also make your strategy distinct to your needs.
Now, how do you know which metrics to watch? And what do you do with them? This infographic from PureB2B outlines each metric by category and provides a brief description of each one so you can start tracking those figures and evaluate your lead generation performance.
Infographic Source: https://pureb2b.com/blog/lead-generation-metrics-aware/

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