Global Statistics Shaping Recruitment Trends

The recruitment industry has evolved over the years thanks to the economic advances and the ever-growing change in technology. Before, recruitment was dependent on word-of-mouth and face-to-face applications. With new technology and changes in applicant behavior, recruitment firms are now using modern marketing tactics to fill open positions. Technology and diversity are key drivers of this year’s trends in recruitment. …

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The Ultimate Mobile Email Open Statistics

Email marketing is by far the most effective channel for businesses to communicate with their customers and prospects. Year after year, emails have proven themselves to be irreplaceable in marketing and growth strategies of businesses across B2B and B2C industries. In fact, according to, email marketing is not just the most effective channel for acquisition but also customer retention. …

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Understanding the 2015/16 HSE Injury and Fatalities Statistics

Despite the prevailing opinion that health and safety goes too far and “molly coddles” people, there are no signs of improvement in the Health and Safety Executive statistics. In fact the number of injuries and even fatalities in the workplace has increased year on year. This increase is costing businesses, and the UK economy dearly, with an estimated £14.1 billion …

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Scary Employee Turnover Statistics

Employee turnover is a huge problem and it affects every industry. Businesses are built around people and it takes a lot of time and money to find the right replacements when someone decides to continue his or her career elsewhere. Business owners often forget about the true costs of losing and then having to replace employees. You are not simply …

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Shelby County Auto Accident Statistics

Life is busy, very busy. People rush out the door every morning with one thought in mind, “I need to get from point A to point B.” Very few people have the thought cross their mind that there is a high chance they could get in an auto accident.  Do people ever consider what time is the safest time to …

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HSE Health and Safety Statistics 2014/15

Each year the Health and Safety Executive in Great Britain release their Health and Safety statistics. Bryan & Armstrong have turned these stats into a useful infographic giving a clear indication of how safe employees are since the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act based on over 10 years of data. One of the most shocking stats from this infographic …

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HSE Fatal Injury Statistics 2014/15

Great Britain’s health and safety executive have published their 2014/15 annual statistics on the quantity of deaths documented in the workplace. Per one hundred thousand workers, there were 0.46 deaths in 14/15 which corresponds to a figure of 142 fatally injured workers. The 5-year average rate of 0.53 compaes to the latest rate of deaths of 0.46. For the past …

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Divorce Statistics

Going through a divorce is tough. Aside from the anger between the couple and messy complications of figuring out “hers” and “his” of the life that’s been built together, there’s the collateral damage that friends and family experience as well. The answer to “why” divorce happens isn’t one that can be easily given and it definitely isn’t one size fits …

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Telecommuting Statistics 2014

This infographic on illustrates the data obtained by our survey that was conducted in November 2014. The telecommuting statistics highlight opinions on how telecommuters feel about their current work environment as compared to when they had to work in a traditional office environment.