Twenty Ways That Handwriting Benefits You and Your Studies

Writing by hand has always been an integral part of our culture. However, during the last few decades, the development of technologies and word-processing software have almost eliminated handwriting from our lives. Now, we type messages instead of writing long letters to our loved ones, and we even make shopping lists using mobile and desktop apps. Technology has made our …

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The Online Classroom: 17 eLearning Statistics You Should Know

Technology is developing at an extremely rapid rate. Now that we are living in a digital age, anyone with a stable connection to the internet can easily gain access to information and communicate with anyone at their own convenience. Thanks to the arrival of instant messaging platforms, video-conferencing software, and other relevant programs, teachers and students can now engage beyond …

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Top 30 Majors and What They Can Give You – Choose Your

There are a great variety of majors that are available to prospective students. How should you choose the right one for you? There are lots of things to consider before you apply: Employability and career potential. When considering your future profession, you should plan your career and research future jobs opportunities. You should consider whether you will be able to …

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The Future of Distance Learning

Schools across the world are shutting their doors in preventative measures against the COVID-19 outbreak. In efforts to extend the education every student is entitled to, K-12 schools and universities are transitioning into online learning. However, students can face challenges in remote learning – especially given the sudden switch in their environment. However, online learning simultaneously provides many benefits. As …

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Top 10 Skills to Learn in 2020

Technological changes will create a direct impact on all organizations. It leads to a connected need where technology must get blended with managerial, diplomatic, social, and soft skills for a new decision-making process. This process will be entirely different from the existing organizational structures. As a forward-thinking organization, it is critical to get accustomed to the changing environment to gain …

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What’s Next: Reinforcing Your Learning Easily After Training

For hundreds of years, the ways with which knowledge is passed down has evolved—whereas our ancestors used folktales and songs to pass down knowledge and preserve oral tradition, modern man now has an almost unlimited number of ways to consume knowledge, thanks to technological breakthroughs like the Internet. Want to learn a new language? Just download Duolingo on your phone. …

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How to help your grandchildren through exam season

Young people can feel an incredible amount of pressure during the run up to their exams. Feeling anxious about exams can have a knock-on effect on their physical and mental health. Companion Stairlifts, one of the largest manufacturers and installers of stairlifts in the UK, has created this infographic which aims to give grandparents advice on how they can support …

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All you need to know about a graduation thesis

Step 1 – Select The Theme Choose an interesting topic that you will be happy to explore. Normally topics are published on the websites of individual faculties, but you can also choose one that is not previously published and published. The most desirable topics are those that solve problems within a company, and you are trying to solve them through …

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IELTS Mobile App for IELTS Exam Preparation

Don’t like waiting for hours in the traffic to attend an hour of classes? Maybe you don’t like to study alone. You might even want to study at your convenient time for the IELTS Exam. But in a typical IELTS Coaching Class, how is this possible? IELTS Test Preparation cannot be sidelined, as, without dedicated practice and strategy, even the …

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Was University Worth It

This infographic visualises data from a survey into whether people feel that their time at university was worth the time and money they invested in it. The survey split results by gender, age, and area of the UK and asked respondents about the impact that going to university had had on their careers, personal relationships and academic experiences. The survey …

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