Fenbendazole For Different Types of Cancer


If you have pets, you may be familiar with Fenbendazole. This is a medication commonly prescribed to treat gastrointestinal parasites and worms in animals. Fenbendazole mostly works for destroying hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms, parasites, and whipworms. However, recent studies suggest that the drug also seems to have cancer-fighting properties, like the ability to kill cancer cells or interrupt the sugar absorption …

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6 Scary Ways Alcohol Damages the Brain

6 Scary Ways Alcohol Damages the Brain

Brain SPECT imaging as part of a comprehensive evaluation to help the patients discover the root causes of addiction. Healing any underlying brain dysfunction that may be contributing to substance abuse is an important factor that helps prevent relapse. Addiction counselors and treatment centers across the nation refer patients to Clinics for brain imaging and brain optimization because a healthier …

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7 Strategies to Develop Metacognitive Skills

7 Strategies to Develop Metacognitive Skills

Are you a self-aware person? Are your planning and organization skills top-notch? Do you have a preferred learning style that always brings results? If your answers are positive, you might have great metacognitive skills. Metacognition is all about how you organize and control your actions toward a particular task. It relates to a situation where you can evaluate your thoughts …

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Drugs in Sport: Statistics, Side Effects, Prevention


Competition in sports can be fierce, and some athletes resort to banned methods in order to gain an edge over competitors. Consuming performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) is perhaps the most popular way. It’s so widespread that some even offer to legalize some PEDs. AddictionResource authors explain that doping is banned for a reason. It is a threat to the athlete’s health. …

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Pet Therapy in Addiction Treatment


Spending time with dogs, birds, rabbits, or bigger animals like horses, alpacas, and llamas can influence mental health in an extremely positive way. In fact, Animal-Assisted Therapy is part of some Substance Use Disorders programs. AAT enhances a healing process by fixing bodies, minds, and souls that have been damaged by substance abuse. Its positive results are listed in our …

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Guide to Heart Disease: Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


Heart disease is a broad term used to refer to any medical condition affecting the body’s circulatory system. It’s a deadly condition that causes millions of death around the world every year, making it vital to identify and understand the common risk factors of the disease. Also known as cardiovascular disease (CVD), heart disease encompasses a group of disorders that …

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Are There Health Benefits to Eating Bacon?


If you were asked to describe bacon, you may find yourself using words like “greasy,” “fatty,” or “salty.” You probably wouldn’t use any of these words if someone asked you to describe what healthy foods taste like. But this doesn’t mean that consuming bacon has no benefit to your health. You’ve likely heard that you should avoid fat altogether, but …

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Why Children’s Teeth Are Just As Important As Their Adult Counterparts


Children’s teeth, also known as baby teeth or milk teeth, are important for every child’s development. They will start erupting from around six months of age, and they will have a complete set by the time they are three. Milk teeth hold the space for adult teeth, and taking good care of them ensures that these adult teeth come in …

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Opioid Addiction Treatment

We are already used to the news reports about celebrities struggling with addiction or overdosing on prescription medications. But it is not mentioned so often that 46 Americans die each day from overdoses involving prescription opioids. Opioids are a class of drugs that include powerful prescription painkillers, such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, tramadol, morphine, and fentanyl. Health care providers use the …

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Substance Abuse Disorder in LGBTQ+ Community

Drug addiction is a chronic disease that manifests itself in an irresistible desire to use drugs, despite the negative socio-medical consequences. According to current research, addiction is a disease of the central nervous system: the biochemistry in the active centers (receptors) of the brain changes so that the need for drugs becomes biologically determined and very strong. It is very …

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