A Guide to lodge your National Criminal Check with KONCHECK

The Australian Government strongly recommends the employers to obtain a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Certificate of the employees. The offer letter in your new organization also depends on the Police Clearance certificate of yours. You have chosen KONCHECK TO lodge your National Crime Check because your colleagues have recommended it. KONCHECK is fast, affordable, and secure. Most importantly, it …

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Foreigner’s Guide: Everything you Need for a Fun Visit to the Philippines

A ticket, passport, and some money are not all you’re going to need when you’re a foreigner traveling to places like the Philippines for a visit. This scenic tropical country is full of surprises, both good and bad, that you need to be prepared for. For one, you may have to double up on pocket money since there are side …

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A guide to link building in 2020

Link building is still one of the most important parts of SEO, it just needs to be more carefully considered than ever before. Google reviews your link profile and makes judgements about what industry you sit within, which pages are most important for you, and how popular and trusted your site is. By making sure you have a strong profile, …

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A Guide to Chromotherapy

Hydrotherapy has many health benefits, from decreasing stress to improving blood circulation. While hydrotherapy is great on its own, it can also be combined with other types of therapy, such as chromotherapy or aromatherapy. Chromotherapy is the practice of using color therapy to treat health ailments and provide a number of wellness benefits. Plus, it can be incorporated in many …

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Comprehensive Guide to Slate Roofing

Slate is metamorphic rock which is extracted from completely natural resources. Their property of being strong and durable makes them very useful material in construction industry. The most common color of this rock is gray, but it is also found in colors like brown, green and blue. Brazil is the main producer of this material. It is also found in …

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The ultimate guide to beer around the world

This new infographic from ROL Cruise displays some of the best beer producing countries around the world for a keen traveller and beer drinker. Called ‘The ultimate guide to beer around the world’, this infographic takes you around the globe to talk about some of the best brews and their home countries. Featuring cerveza in Mexico, craft beer in Canada, …

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The Ultimate Guide to Car Parts & Accessories

The car that you drive is made of up thousands and thousands of parts. The biggest is the chassis or the skeleton. The smallest are contacts found in relays. They are in only a couple of millimeters in size. Needle bearings are some of the smallest parts, too. Any modern car owner should be mindful enough to learn the parts …

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The ultimate festival road trip guide

This vivid infographic from Dayinsure is filled with a range of tips and tricks for helping you make the most of the festival season. Filled with bright colour and exciting designs, it draws your eye in but also provides some really useful information. The first half of the infographic explores a range of top festival tips everyone would do well …

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Ultimate Guide to Conversational Design

When it comes to engagement and open rates, messaging channels and apps have beaten social media, email and pretty much any other type of marketing channel. The developments in live chat and chatbot technologies allowed marketers to catch up with this trend, enabling businesses to talk to their customers where they feel most at ease. While live chats enable human …

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The Ultimate Car Maintenance Guide

Car maintenance is the ultimate service your car can get. Not only can you ‘avail’ it in , but it can also be done in the comfort of your own home. Plus, when done on a regular basis, this form of will be all the more beneficial for the well-being of your beloved vehicle as not only will it feel …

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