Wall of War

Wall of War is a project by that aims to catalog and visualize the entries found in the Wikileaks Iraq and Afghan War logs. The piece—10 feet tall and 85 feet long—translate each of the roughly 463,000 events into a one half inch by one half inch cell containing the category, specific type of event, location, and information on casualties …

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Best Places to Study Abroad

Feeling kind of bored with all same stuff each and every day back at your Uni. Give it a change and opt for a study abroad program. Here’s a few really cool places where you can do it and some reasons why you actually need it: To earn extra academic credits. Yep, most schools transfer credits! Get lost in another …

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How Co-Sleeping Can Help

Many parents find co-sleeping with their baby helpful at times. Even when parents heard a lot about the risks and negative things about it, 80% of parents still spend time co-sleeping with their babies (based from an Australian study), especially during the baby’s first six months. To further show how helpful co-sleeping is, we created an infographic on how it …

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Eat Big 2 Get Big

The “Eat Big 2 Get Big” infographic explains that caloric intake is imperative for optimizing gym performance, and it serves as a great teaching tool for those lifters that may be experiencing lifting plateaus. The infographic reviews 3 top bodybuilder’s eating habits, to shed a little more light on the importance of eating big meals. An energy balance equation is …

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Faqs for SEO

Much of the time we find that people ask what is SEO, so to help we have introduced an infographics of SEO Faqs. The reality what is SEO Faqs have been introduced by us concentrating on our contribution with clients. Infographic Source : http://visual.ly/node/173866

DIY: How To Replace A Shower Head

Moving to a new place, either rented or your real new place, which you have bought for yourself and/or your family, requires certain changes. When you enter your newly bought flat, first you start feeling an incredible amount of joy and exhilaration. Then you realize how many things need to be redone, refurbished and bought that the whole feeling of …

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Paint your imagnation Through Bergerpaints

If you want to add soulful opulence to the walls of your home, Berger Paints is the easiest way to go. Your eyes will love it enough to conquer your heart forever. Berger is not just a wall paint, it is rather a fashion statement, a complete sense of luxury, convenience when you need spot-free shining walls, your personal expression, …

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Top 5 Promotional Products Trends for 2014

When it comes to bringing your brand closer to the public, the internet has been the most dominant factor for quite some time. It seems like nailing that hashtag or retweeting a popular tweet is all it takes to make or break your company’s image, and frankly, it’s true. However, digital marketing isn’t everything and it would be unwise to …

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A Summer Tour Infographic

When you think of the greatest performers of all time, some names that probably come to mind are Madonna, Celine Dion, and The Rolling Stones. All of which are on our infographic listed as the top grossing tours of all-time! Earning from $389 to $558 million, these acts have all gained the rights to be named legends in the music …

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