Employee Feedback for Managers: 7 Constructive Examples

Employee Feedback for Managers 7 Constructive Examples

Regardless of where you are on the organizational ladder, providing feedback is never an easy task— especially providing it in a way that resonates and helps. For example, it might be challenging to figure out exactly how to deliver feedback, especially if it is not positive. Figuring out how to provide feedback is where we can help. Check out different …

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7 Employee Retention Strategies to Minimize Attrition

In today’s candidate-driven market where recruiters face cut-throat competition to hire candidates, it is not an easy feat to find and retain top talent. Recruiters go a long way to attract good candidates from its competitors. Lucrative offers and additional benefits often make it easy for employees to quit job. In such a scenario, sudden increase in employee turnover becomes …

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Is a Well-Planned Employee Retention Strategy a Solution to Reduce Employee Turnover?

How do you feel about high employee turnover in your organization? What are the chances that an employee retention program would reduce the turnover rate by half? Implementing an employee retention strategy and program can help you answers these questions. Employee turnover adversely affects a company’s bottom line. A lot of time, effort and money goes into finding a perfect …

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The Employee Burnout Protection Plan

Unmotivated employees can create a negative working environment, and you might notice your workers showing signs of low productivity and efficiency, have high employee turnovers, and wastage of resources. Fortunately, these issues can be resolved by understanding your employee’s needs. There are many ways you can make sure they are happy such as by giving them regular breaks, equipping them …

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Monitor and Track Real-Time Employee Performance to Increase Business Productivity

Employees’ performance impacts overall business productivity and its outcomes. An organization succeeds when each employee is committed to contribute towards company objectives and improve the organizational productivity.This requires a systematic goal setting and tracking process. Setting employee goals and monitoring their progress on ongoing basis is critical to a business success. However, the need to measure and track real-time employee …

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Scary Employee Turnover Statistics

Employee turnover is a huge problem and it affects every industry. Businesses are built around people and it takes a lot of time and money to find the right replacements when someone decides to continue his or her career elsewhere. Business owners often forget about the true costs of losing and then having to replace employees. You are not simply …

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Why You Should Eliminate Annual Performance Reviews?

Is absence of manager feedback creating disengagement amongst your workforce? Do you want to eliminate ineffective annual performance reviews? But why… What is wrong in traditional once-in-a-year performance assessment? Well, there are multiple reasons why Adobe, SAP, Microsoft and other Fortune 500 companies have eliminated annual performance reviews. Unclear employee goals, absence of regular feedbacks and ignorance for employee recognition …

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Benefits of Employee Time Tracking Software

Employees tend to underestimate their time spent on a task or project, which undervalues the amount of work they do and can possibly cost your business money. Research shows that when reporting worked hours at the end of the month, companies incurred a 30% profit loss due to incorrect employee time tracking. Time tracking software, such as 360e, provides your …

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Spy Vs Hacker

Spy software and hacking virus are not the same thing. Spy software is used for the purpose of monitoring user activities. This software do not use virus like hackers do. Hackers use the strongest virus most of the time when they want to hack the information of an user. Hackers hack all the personal information present on the computer and …

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Work Culture

Do you know precisely what is work culture and how employees are getting affected with poor work culture practices? No, then take a look at the given Infographic highlighted some interesting details on work culture from employees’ perspective. Also, include thought-provoking survey results and names of global organizations that tops in maintaining their work culture. In short, work culture represents …

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