Lies of the Food Industry

Since news of the horse meat scandal broke, more customers have been shopping at local independents where they can trust the origin of the produce they’re buying. This isn’t surprising – some companies (especially larger ones) can be very secretive about what their foods really contain – a worrying practice, especially for health-conscious consumers and sustainably-minded shoppers. As customers are …

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23 Superfoods To Add To Your Diet For A Healthy Life

You can incorporate these incredible foods into your day to day diet as you adopt a healthy eating strategy. While some of them could be rare and maybe a little bit costly to find on a daily basis, it is clear that others are readily available and affordable as well. These foods are also sweet yummy and easy to prepare. …

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What Do Millennials Eat

Food and weather are probably the most frequently discussed topics on the planet, but we definitely speak about food with more passion. It’s amazing how much we enjoy hearing about other people’s culinary interests, habits, recipes, and sharing our own. Food is one of the reasons that the generation Y is so popular nowadays. This is the generation of people …

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Advantages of Pressure Cookers

This infographic describes what a pressure cooker is, how much faster you can cook food with it, how pressure cooking is healthy and many other benefits of pressure cooking. You can cook meals up to 10 times faster with a pressure cooker, keep much more of the vitamins and nutrients compared with standard cooking and save energy because you cook …

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Creative Ways To Store Your Coffee Pods

After planting a coffee tree from the seed and with the perfect conditions it has to pass 9-10 years for the plant to become mature and produce fruit. When the fruit is ready it’s harvested by hand once a year. Coffee cherries are processed by different methods to get beans that are dried to contain 11% moisture. Before exporting worldwide …

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How To Eat Like A Bodybuilder

Being a bodybuilder needs a proper meal everyday for workout but do you know the proper diet for that? If you’re a male that weights 80 kilos this diet should be proper to you. When you start your day at 7 am your breakfast should have protein, berries and 2 egg whites. 1 liter of water is enough to keep …

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4 Best Cuts of Steak

This is about 4 of, what we consider, to be the best cuts of steak that cow provides! Including Ribeye, Strip, Tenderloin, T-Bone. However it also gives you a brief overview about how to cook them, e.g. grill, broil etc, and also what sauces you can use to compliment them. All of this was researched by myself as a food lover, …

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What Do They Eat in Space?

Food on Earth can sometimes be surprising enough, but imagine how unusual it can get in space! Since astronauts live in microgravity conditions aboard spacecrafts that orbit the Earth, food behaves in strange ways. For example, breadcrumbs can get in one’s nose or equipment, water bubbles don’t burst but float around, and astronauts sometimes catch bites of food in mid …

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The Rise of Coconut Oil Mania

Coconut oil is nothing new. It has been traded globally since the 1800s and used for centuries for its medicinal properties. If humans have known about it for so long, why has it only taken off in popular culture within the past few decades? Coconut oil works great in cooking, as a moisturizer for your skin, as a hair product, …

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